In recent years, the art world has seen a resurgence of interest in the works of previously unsung artists, and Sergio Sscal is no exception. With a career spanning over four decades, Sscal has long been known for his distinctive style and tireless dedication to his craft. Now, finally, his work is receiving the recognition it deserves, thanks in large part to the efforts of the forward-thinking startup art gallery, Looksy.Art.

Sscal has always been a visionary, and his art reflects the deep well of creativity and originality from which he draws. His two long-running art series, “Skulls” and "Tree of Life," showcase the breadth of his talents and provide a window into the themes that have preoccupied him throughout his career.

“Skulls” is a hauntingly beautiful exploration of mortality and the ephemeral nature of existence. Drawing upon the rich history of Memento Mori and Mexican iconography, Sscal's trademark skull patterns and vibrant colors come together to form a mesmerizing tapestry that is as mesmerizing as it is thought-provoking. Each piece in this series serves as a reminder of the fragile beauty of life, and the inevitability of death.


In contrast, "Trees of Life" is a celebration of culture, tradition, and the enduring power of the human spirit. Incorporating Sscal's trademark trees and imagery of traditional Mexican culture, this series represents a journey into the heart of a rich and diverse heritage. The trees themselves are rendered with loving detail, their branches far reaching and supporting a myriad of lively detail. These works are a testament to the strength and vitality of the people and their culture.


The current exhibition at Looksy.Art is a limited retrospective of Sscal's oeuvre, featuring both the "Skulls" and "Tree of Life" series. It is a rare opportunity for viewers to witness but a short scope of Sscal's artistic evolution and to appreciate the depth of his genius. Each artwork bears the unmistakable imprint of his hand and reveals new layers of meaning with each viewing.

Sergio Sscal stands as a testament to the fact that it is never too late for an artist to receive the recognition they deserve. His work is a sublime fusion of technique, talent, and passion that transcends boundaries and speaks to the human condition in a profound and universal way. 

Looksy.Art's decision to shine a spotlight on Sscal's art is a welcome reminder that true genius can be found in the most unexpected of places.The Sergio Sscal exhibition at Looksy.Art is a must-see for art enthusiasts and casual viewers alike. It is an experience that will leave you both moved and inspired, with a newfound appreciation for the power of artistic expression and the timeless beauty of the human spirit.