Mike Kozlowski's latest project, titled Metropolis, is a stunning exploration of the intersection between generative art and urban landscapes. The project consists of a series of digital paintings that use Kozlowski's pioneering "brushstroke by code" technique to create intricate textures and depth in the images. Each piece is a mesmerizing blend of geometric shapes, bold colors, and organic patterns, resulting in a visual feast for the eyes.

Metropolis represents a significant evolution in Kozlowski's work from his previous projects, Chimera and Parnassus. While Chimera and Parnassus both explored similar themes of generative art and abstract forms, Metropolis takes it to the next level with its incorporation of urban architecture and cityscapes. Kozlowski's unique approach to using algorithms to create art has allowed him to push the boundaries of what is possible in the medium, and Metropolis is a testament to his continued growth and experimentation as an artist.


What sets Kozlowski's work apart from other generative art is his pioneering use of "brushstroke by code." This technique involves writing custom algorithms to create brushstrokes that mimic the organic feel of traditional painting. The result is a level of texture and depth that is rarely seen in digital art. Seeing Kozlowski's work mature over the years has been a fascinating journey, and his pioneering work in this area is proving to be influential for future generations of generative art collectors and creators.

Metropolis is a prime example of the limitless possibilities of generative art. Kozlowski's ability to create complex and intricate images using algorithms and code is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Each piece in the project is a visual feast for the eyes, with layers of geometric shapes and patterns interwoven with bold colors and textures. It is a testament to Kozlowski's creativity and skill that he can create such compelling art using unconventional methods. 


Mike Kozlowski's latest project, Metropolis, is a tour de force of generative art that showcases his unique blend of algorithmic creativity and technical skill. Through his pioneering use of "brushstroke by code," Kozlowski has created a body of work that is truly original and groundbreaking. His ability to explore new frontiers in generative art is an inspiration to artists and collectors alike, and Metropolis is a must-see for anyone interested in the medium.